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Alex Keoskey, Esq. Co-Authors Article for the New York Law Journal Titled “Representing Physicians in Criminal, Civil and Regulatory Actions”

February 3, 2023

“Like all professionals, physicians can become the target of civil, criminal, regulatory or administrative actions by law enforcement, prosecutorial and regulatory authorities. Unlike many other professionals, however, physicians are subject to an adverse action reporting system at both the state and federal level.” In today’s issue of the New York Law Journal, Mandelbaum Barrett PC Healthcare […]

Steven Teppler and Lauren X. Topelsohn Discuss the Legal and Ethic Requirements Imposed by the SHIELD Act in the New York Law Journal

October 10, 2022

The SHIELD (Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security) Act is the latest cybersecurity-based legislation, affecting businesses (including law firms) that own or license computerized private information of New York residents. Designed to protect state residents’ data, this act imposes strict requirements on firms and levies harsh fines for those that fail to meet them. […]