Arla Cahill, Esq. and Jaqueline Yarmo, Esq. to present webinar for Verona C.H.I.L.D. titled “Basic Rights in Special Education Law”
November 13, 2023
Mandelbaum Barrett PC Special Needs Co-Chair Arla D. Cahill, Esq. and Associate Jacqueline Yarmo, Esq. will be presenting a live webinar for Verona C.H.I.L.D. on Tuesday, November 14th (7 p.m.) titled Basic Rights in Special Education Law. Special education law covers a broad continuum of students. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that every public school […]
Arla Cahill and Brent Pohlman to present Disability Law Primer at the upcoming ACCSES Star Conference
September 18, 2023
Arla Cahill, Esq., Partner and Chair of Education Law and Co-Chair of Special Needs and Brent Pohlman, Esq., Partner in Labor and Employment at Mandelbaum Barrett PC will be presenting a “Disability Law Primer” at the upcoming ACCSES New Jersey Star Conference on October 4th from 1:45pm to 2:45pm. The Disability Law Primer will be […]
Richard Miller and Shawna Brown to speak on NJICLE panel discussing “Guardians Ad Litem- How They Work & How to Get Appointed”
August 23, 2023
On September 20th, 2023, Richard Miller, Esq., Chair of Elder Law and Co-Chair of Special Needs and Shawna Brown, Esq., Counsel in the Elder Law and Special Needs Practice Groups at Mandelbaum Barrett PC will join a distinguished panel of Judges and practitioners for an NJICLE CLE webinar to share real world scenarios that give […]
Arla Cahill to present NBI live webinar titled “The ABCs of Education Law”
August 15, 2023
How does your knowledge of special education law stack up? What are the newest legal issues concerning technology and the classroom? Are you up to date on the latest Title IX developments? Join Mandelbaum Barrett PC Education Law Chair Arla D. Cahill, Esq. for the National Business Institute’s “The ABCs of Education Law.” Being held on […]
Richard Miller, Esq. to present on NJICLE live webinar titled “Guardianships in 2023: The Basics and Beyond”
June 9, 2023
Richard Miller, Esq., Chair of Elder Law and Co-Chair of Special Needs at Mandelbaum Barrett PC will be presenting at the New Jersey State Bar Association‘s Live CLE Webcast on June 30th titled “Guardianships in 2023: The Basics and Beyond.” This seminar will provide a brief overview of the basics of guardianships of the person […]
Arla Cahill, Esq. to present NBI live webinar titled “School Law: Back to Basics”
May 8, 2023
Arla D. Cahill, Esq., Chair of Education Law and Co-Chair of Special Needs at Mandelbaum Barrett will be presenting an National Business Institute (NBI, Inc.) live webinar on Friday, June 23rd. This program is designed for attorneys, but also geared to school administrators, teachers, principals, counselors, superintendents, board members, school psychologists, and paralegals. Topics covered […]
Mandelbaum Barrett PC Special Needs attorneys to present “Planning for Families with Special Needs Children”
April 26, 2023
Working with parents and caregivers of children with special needs daily, we understand the importance of considering your child’s future and we have created a seminar just for you. We want to help you understand the process to ensure that you have a plan in place so that your child will continue to receive the […]
Arla Cahill to present NBI online seminar titled “Special Education Law: The Ultimate Guide”
March 1, 2023
Arla D. Cahill, Esq., Chair of Education Law and Co-Chair of Special Needs at Mandelbaum Barrett PC will be presenting a live online seminar for National Business Institute (NBI, Inc.) on May 16th, 2023 titled “Special Education Law: The Ultimate Guide.” Special education legal issues can be confusing for school personnel and attorneys alike. This […]
Richard I. Miller to be a Guest Speaker for Proviser’s “Financial Planning for Families with Special Needs” Live Webinar
February 16, 2023
Mandelbaum Barrett PC Elder Law Chair Richard Miller, Esq. will be joining Vincent M. Blazewicz and Jill VanNostrand as a guest speaker for Proviser‘s “Financial Planning for Families with Special Needs” live webinar on February 23rd at 6pm. Topics covered will include ABLE accounts, beneficiary designations, life and disability insurance and estate planning.