Date: April 15, 2024Attorney: Rebecca E. Frino

Rebecca Frino, Partner within the Family Law Practice Group at Mandelbaum Barrett PC, has witnessed a significant evolution in family law, driven by various factors including judicial backlog, shifting social norms, and legislative amendments.

In reflecting on these changes, Rebecca notes the substantial impact they have had on the practice of law, emphasizing the necessity for adaptation in seeking timely resolutions for clients. With court proceedings facing delays due to vacancies and backlog, Rebecca highlights the increasing importance of exploring alternative dispute resolution methods for achieving efficient outcomes.

Moreover, Rebecca identifies notable shifts in how certain issues, such as custody and financial matters, are approached within the legal landscape. As societal norms evolve and external factors like remote work arrangements influence family dynamics, there is a growing trend towards equitable custody arrangements and adjustments in financial statutes to reflect modern realities.

Rebecca’s experience extends to recent legal developments, such as the landmark decision in Cardali versus Cardali by the New Jersey Supreme Court, which significantly impacts the interpretation of cohabitation statutes. Her commitment to staying abreast of such changes underscores her dedication to providing clients with informed and effective representation.

In a field as dynamic and personal as family law, Rebecca understands the importance of remaining adaptable and responsive to evolving circumstances. As she navigates the intricacies of this ever-changing legal landscape, Rebecca remains steadfast in her commitment to advocating for the best interests of her clients and ensuring that their needs are met with compassion.
