Tailored Legal Protection for Relationships

At Mandelbaum Barrett PC, we understand that every relationship is unique, and we’re here to provide comprehensive legal guidance to protect your interests and assets. Whether marriage or cohabitation is on your mind, our attorneys specialize in creating customized Prenuptial and Cohabitation Agreements drafted to address your specific needs.

Protect Your Future, Secure Your Present

Many couples preparing to marry have excellent reasons to enter prenuptial agreements, or “prenups.” If you are in a long-term, live-in relationship and do not plan to marry, you can accomplish similar goals with a cohabitation agreement. In either case, setting down rules and stipulations for division of property if your relationship breaks down may provide peace of mind and prevent stressful, costly litigation down the road. We can provide advice on how to address assets to protect them n the event of a future dim.

Our Services:

Prenuptial Agreements: A prenuptial agreement may address spousal support and how assets, debts, and other financial matters will be addressed in the event of divorce or if desired death. There is significant legislation that governs the enforceability of prenuptial agreements. If the statutory requirements for drafting a prenuptial agreement are not met, then the agreement may be susceptible to litigation relative to its enforceability down the line. The statutory requirements include, but are not limited to, a full and complete disclosure of one’s finances.

Our team will guide you through the process, ensuring the agreement is fair, comprehensive, and complies with the governing legislation and case law.

Cohabitation Agreements: Unmarried couples living together can also benefit from legal protection. A cohabitation agreement sets clear expectations about property rights, financial responsibilities, and more, providing peace of mind for both parties involved in the event the relationship should end.

Why Prenuptial and Cohabitation Agreements Matter:

Contact Us Today for Your Matrimonial and Family Law Needs in New Jersey and New York

The experienced family law attorneys at Mandelbaum Barrett are here to protect your future. We are committed to guiding you through the process, answering your questions, and providing legal advice that empowers you to make informed decisions. Invest in your peace of mind today and let us help you build a foundation of security and trust for your relationship. Email us or call us today at 973-736-4600 to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.